Free walks in East Sussex   mostly circular       Sort by distance
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Alfriston and the Long Man map GPX
Arlington and Abbot's Wood  ⇌ (Rail) map GPX 9
Ashdown Forest, Chelwood Gate, Forest Row: Hindleap and Vachery map GPX
Ashdown Forest, Visitor's Centre, Coleman's Hatch: Pines, Views and Woodland Trails map GPX
Ashdown Forest, Hartfield, Winnie-the-Pooh sites: Poohsticks and Sandpits map GPX 10½/6½/6/5½
Ashdown Forest, Church Hill, Withyham: Ravines and Parkland map GPX 13 / 11 / 8
Ashdown Forest, Fairwarp: Rock Wood and Purple Heather map GPX 9 / 6 / 5
Ashdown Forest, Sheffield Forest: Turnstile and Windmill map GPX 10
Ashdown Forest Monster map GPX 25
Barcombe and the Ouse   new! map GPX
Beachy Head and Eastbourne   map GPX 14½
Bixley & Beckley Woods   new! map GPX
Bewl Water and Bedgebury Forest see >> Kent 15½/9½
Bodiam Castle & Great Wigsell map GPX 8
Brightling, Dudwell Valley & Bateman's: Forests and Follies photos map GPX
Buxted Park, Hurstwood, Blackboys map GPX 11½ / 10½
Chiddingly map GPX
Cousley Wood and Bewl Water map GPX
Danehill map GPX
Ditchling and Clayton Windmills map GPX 11
Ditchling Common map GPX
East Hoathly and Laughton map GPX 8
Fairlight and Guestling Wood map GPX 7
Firle, Alciston and the South Downs map GPX 10
Four Counties see >> West Sussex 10½
Groombridge: A Way Through The Rocks map GPX 9
Holtye and Colemans Hatch map GPX 12
Horsted Keynes, Lindfield see >> West Sussex 12
Horsted Keynes to Sheffield Park: Hop On The Bluebell Line   map GPX 7
Lewes Monster     combines two walks below:   map GPX 20
Lewes and Rodmell   map GPX 10
Lewes and the South Downs   map GPX 12½
Mayfield map GPX 9
Old Heathfield map GPX 6½ / 2½
Piltdown, Fletching, Maresfield map GPX
Plumpton and the South Downsphotos map GPX 6
Plumpton Fields and Meadows map GPX
Poundgate & The Hurstwood map GPX 7
Rotherfield & a Woodland Journey   new! map GPX
Seven Sisters, Beachy Head, Eastbourne Big Zipper   map GPX 17
Seven Sisters, Forest and Villages photos map GPX 11 / 9½
Wadhurst and Bewl Water map GPX
Wadhurst and Tidebrook map GPX
Weir Wood map GPX 8½ / 6
Winchelsea   map GPX 7
Withyham and the Five Hundred Acre Wood map GPX

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