
We love to hear from you when you have done one of our walks and enjoyed it. If you find anything in any of the walks, however trivial, that needs correcting, please let us know. See the guidelines below. If you find a better or more interesting route on any of the walks, again let us know.

For feedback, please use

For general enquiries, please use

Guidelines for Corrections and Feedback

This is an amateur project with very little spare manpower. So ...

When you send in corrections to a walk, please pinpoint the location and the place in the text so we can make the correction confidently without re-visiting the walk. You will often encounter seasonal problems. These are usually (a) mud in winter and (b) dense undergrowth in summer. We cannot update the walks each season to warn of these issues. Instead, we can put a warning on the front page. If you encounter unavoidable thick mud, we should have posted a warning that boots or wellies are needed, or that the walk cannot be done in certain seasons (very rare). If you encounter thick undergrowth (very common in summer if our walk was planned in winter), please try to clear it a little. A good swish with a stick can work wonders. Then the more people who do the walk, the clearer it gets. Again, we should have posted a warning on the front page. Some people worry more than others about these obstacles. They are a fact of life with country walking and we don't want to discourage other walkers. If you meet an obstacle or find a problem that makes the path unusable, please complain to the appropriate county council. You will find the 'rights of way' department on-line for the county in question. They are very easy to use and can be quite effective. We do not have any special connections or influence with local authorities.

Submit a Walk

We are always on the lookout for new authors. Do you have a walk to contribute? If so, you must follow our principles of quality, excellent detail and originality. There is no reward for this work, except for the satisfaction of seeing others enjoy your route.

Do you know of good walking areas that you think we should include? We would need a lot of 'votes' because it is hard work visiting a new area and authoring a series of walks. Nevertheless, let us know.

This page is still under construction and eventually there will be guidelines for authors. In the meantime, please study the walks on this site to find out what is required.

Then contact us (see above).